Our goal is to promote investment opportunities and support the delivery of high quality projects in Italy. Thanks to a qualified staff we allow our customers to increase the attractiveness of the territories and to manage financing facilities aimed at businesses.
de Lucia & Company assists foreign companies interested to settle or expand in Italy at every stage of the investment process: from the identification of location opportunities disbursement of subsidies, providing a free service portfolio customized.
Our work is divided into three main areas:
The starting point for any form of business development is to have a credible financial statements, which is the basis for a healthy, prosperous and proper management of the business of any corporate and economic reality.
de Lucia & Company is engaged in adapting structures and policies to the needs of each customer. The systematic orientation of its professionals can adapt methodologies based on the specificities of individual sectors.
de Lucia & Company offers to its customers an independent, high quality, made with technical and up-to-date skills and the application of more advanced methods.
de Lucia & Company helps customers to know their business, improve performance and increase corporate value by adapting the methods according to the characteristics of individual sectors.
The audit activity generates benefits including:
- strengthens the credibility held by third parties
- It allows the company to exhibit on every market
- It strengthens the credibility of fiscal data or accounts at acquisition and sale of companies, IPOs, tender offer, spin-offs, mergers and joint ventures
- It provides opportunity for professional growth of the administrative structure within the company
- It constitutes indirect element of greater security for shareholders, directors, auditors and management
We offer a wide range of services in the field of auditing and accounting of interest to senior management and all those who want to understand and read the company through the figures.
de Lucia & Company divides its activities in the services of:
Advice and assistance in dealing with tax authorities, in the interest of companies, individuals and institutions, direct and indirect taxations domestic and international.
Tax preparation, tax planning.
Advice and assistance for the training of financial statements of the individual companies consolidated according to the tax laws and the Civil Code, the national and international accounting standards. Technical advice on the evaluation criteria and performance of individual financial statement and the correctness of specific accounting operations. Advice and assistance in tax litigation.
Business Consulting
Advice and assistance in the organization, administration, planning and management control of companies and / or entities. Estimation of business, shares and / or shares, individual assets and specific economic events within which it provides assistance in corporate law. Advice and assistance in the formation of contracts and the problems related to their execution.
- Design of the system of internal controls and reporting for understanding and guidance of the company ( Law No. 231/2001 and L.262 / 2005)
- Design of the monitoring system of the administrative function to allow the evaluation of the adequacy and dedicated to measuring the efficiency of the duties performed by each employee
- Analysis of internal procedures to evaluate the reliability, effectiveness and efficiency
- analisi dell’attendibilità di singole poste di bilancio, di situazioni infrannuali e di budgets
- due diligence a supporto di acquisizioni aziendali, quale strumento per fornire al potenziale acquirente la radiografia dell’impresa ed informazioni utili alla stima del valore
- assistenza in fasi patologiche dell’impresa e in periodi di disordine amministrativo e contabile, per fornire il supporto necessario ad azioni correttive e per l'eventuale ricostruzione dei dati contabili
- verifica contabile presso società controllate, qualora la Capogruppo preferisca incaricare professionisti indipendenti
Other accounting services
- preparation of the consolidated financial statements
- planning the package for data collection for the preparation of consolidated financial statements and its Group accounting manual
- support the transition to IAS / IFRS
- preparation of interim financial statements
- Budget analisys of competitors
- training courses in the field of administrative organization and internal control
- participation in inventory operations, to ensure the substantial adequacy of the procedures and the reliability of results obtained
- Social Report
Development / Business Development
In an increasingly more complex the need for a firm to develop a strategic plan in the medium term is more important than ever to compete and, in some cases, survive.
de Lucia & Company offers its expert business strategies for a confrontation with the employer on issues critical to the company:
- Which strategies can be taken to make the company more competitive in the market?
- How to compete in the areas attacked by the competition from other countries at very low prices? What mistakes to avoid?
- Relocate or maintain local production? Relocate, or internationalize continue to focus on the domestic market
- How to identify the prospects for development? Based on what's strengths? With that kind of investement?
Public funding: access to national and EU funding
de Lucia & Company is the only company in Italy to offer a comprehensive consulting that incorporates all the skills related to subsidized loans: grants and / or concessional loans of European, national, regional and major projects with negotiating procedure.
de Lucia & Company boasts, both locally and in major EU research projects, services increasingly important for companies that want to grow.
In this current difficult economic strengthening and saw the decentralization process taking place at national level, in fact, it becomes vital for our SMEs, be able to take advantage of the facilities and forms of support at local level.
de Lucia & Company, for the company, a consultant only one who knows talk professionally with the various EU institutions, ministries, regional and provincial. The task of the group is to identify the most appropriate tools to meet the company development programs, check the feasibility of the intervention and follow the bureaucratic process until the goal. The Business Unit Finance Facilitated work to do to get business customers:
- Grants - the grants are related to assets, to income or capital, and are provided materially for enterprises who are entitled
- Bonus tax - to be considered as operating grants, used by the company to offset tax liabilities
- Soft loans - loans that provide for interest subsidies that go to significantly bring down the cost of financing to the enterprise
de Lucia & Company, with a pool of highly skilled professionals, is able to support the Company in the application of the correct financial transactions to be allocated to different business projects which, in an indicative and not exhaustive, investment, debt consolidation, corporate recapitalization.
This activity is carried out trying to maintain or improve the balance-sheet and financial statement, aligning them as much as possible the financial criteria set out by Basel 2 and 3.
The activity through the following steps:
- analysis and detection of financial adequate solutions to follow the company's project
- assist the Company in the application of financial sources identified and shared
- monitor the progress of the funding request
- coaching firm in the activation of credit lines approved
The business unit Corporate Finance can provide its advice in relation to:
- unsecured loans
- mezzanines
- zero coupon loans
- equity loans
- financial leasing
- subsidized loans (with interest subsidies)
- financing with the intervention of the Guarantee Fund
- financing with the participation of consortia and / or cooperatives Warranty
- factoring without recourse and with recourse
- surety
Corporate Finance
In the current market situation de Lucia & Company supports companies, thanks to the experience of a team of consultants, under the following corporate finance transactions:
- business valuations
- acquisitions, mergers
- merger and acquisition
- leverage and management buy-out operations (LBO / MBO)
- venture capital
- private equity
The starting point of the path of internationalization is the selection of the markets to which export their products. The choice of input mode more appropriate in the target country is one of the most important decision to take.
To foreign companies wishing to set up or expand in Italy we provide, for free, a portfolio of services tailored to each stage of the process of settlement or expansion.
In particular we help investors to:
- acquire information and strategic analysis
- know the most viable business opportunities
- establish the activities at the place and context suitable
- carry out the legal and administrative practices
- make the most of the laws and facilities available in Italy
- manage relationships with central and local institutions
We help you select the best alternatives, taking into account, in particular, whether the characteristics of the markets that the risks to be addressed and obstacles to overcome.
services - business opportunities, competitions, statistics, events - specific to the selected country and a number of funding opportunities to successfully undertake the way of exports.
de Lucia & Company considers the global market as an opportunity to reduce the cost structure and access to new markets, expanding the horizon of competition, abandoning the logic of protection and local income and capturing the richness of growing economies.
The activities are based on concrete operational services, designed to accelerate the path towards internationalization of customers.
Our hallmarks are the skills, results orientation, dedication to the customer and the ability to convey new challenges by assisting the company in the commercial development and the diversification of production in order to improve overall profitability and growth.
de Lucia & Company offers the following activities:
Approach to penetrate the commercial market
- information products specialized in assistance in the field of internationalization
- databases online information products for upgrading and training
- internationalization initiatives abroad: foreign missions and partnerships
- Cooperation: actions of institution building, training, networking
- land development: marketing activities
- research partners, especially foreign, for business
- assistance to participate in competitions and regional and national programs EU
- Market research
- Benchmarking studies
- Wallet customers direct meetings
- Looking for distributors, agents / partners
Production plant
- Best location
- Studi di fattibilità
- Business plan
- Ricerca partners
Trade settlement
- Sales offices
- Commercial joint ventures
- Retail projects
- Promotional events